Friday, August 29, 2008

Dress Code - Why it exists

We all had a dress code of some kind in our schools and workplace. The big question is, "Why?" Logic says that improper dress reflects poorly upon the wearer and the school or business, as first appearances have a strong value around the world. If it didn't, fashion wouldn't be such a commodity. Some business and schools want everyone to look similar for unity. Others want uniforms to protect clothing, or to make it impossible to discern the income of the wearers. This can sometimes backfire if a uniform is required but there are no restrictions on footwear, jewelry or handbags.

Should there be more restrictions when we live in a democracy and some see their appearance as freedom of speech?
I believe, for the most part, restrictions or regulation of any kind usually exists because someone, somewhere messed up. If you're working for another entity or going to school, your rights come secondary to safety and the message you are allowed to carry in that space. For example, a student who wears a T-shirt that is emblazoned with a message about consuming alchohol when that child is underage and in a position to advertise that message to his or her peers, is usually in violation of dress code and will be asked to at least turn the shirt inside out for the day. Unless you go to school in Gonzalez, Texas, and you might be asked to wear a jumpsuit like prisoners wear (only not in orange).

Why Adults Have Dress Codes
Other than the same reasons given above, the quick answer: Law suits. Really. Sexual harassment is tops on the list but when a woman is given the message from the fashion and entertainment world to dress like the characters in Sex in the City, or she's not trendy enough, what can she do? Layers. Keep cleavage to a minimum, don't show those panty lines or worse, that thong each time you sit down, and cover up on the job. When you're on your own or with your pals, then you can show that skin, but not when it will distract others from doing their job or give a jerk an (albeit lame) excuse to target you. Our court systems are not usually progressive and, ladies, there are some low-brainwave judges out there that will fault you for looking your sexy best if a predator strikes, even though it has been proven repeatedly that appearance has nothing to do with attacks. (it is all about power over another.) In fact, for your safety, maybe you should do that '80s power walker look to get into and from the office, and slide those heels on when you get to your desk.

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